Our Policies and Principles

RIAPP programs always meet APA Criteria.

The American Psychological Association sets the Standards and Criteria for Approval of Sponsors of Continuing Education for Psychologists and includes the following:

  1. Program content will help psychologists better serve the public and enhance the profession.

  2. Program content can be understood as building on a doctoral degree in psychology.

  3. Program content is credible (e.g., theoretically; empirically; or as accepted conventional practice) or it addresses legal, ethical, or regulatory professional standards.


Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 39 maintains responsibility for these programs and their content.

Social Workers

NASW Rhode Island provides Social Work CE credits toward relicensure for our programs. Social Workers receive a certificate with an authorization number and the number of credits designated.


RIAPP was able to offer CMEs for the 2022-2023 season through Rhode Island Hospital.  Are you a physician interested in coordinating CMEs for this season? Please reach out and we can walk you through the process.


RIAPP requests that attendees join events on time. Therefore, late arrivals (15 minutes after start) may be denied. Our events often involve sharing confidential and personal information, and encourage participant interaction and feedback. This policy is to ensure that everyone receives the full experience, doesn’t miss key concepts, and feels respected and contained from start to finish.

Continuing Education Certificates

Wednesday evening CE credits: 1.5.

Saturday conference credits: 3.0.

To earn continuing education credits, participants must provide their information at sign in and attend the event in its entirety. Certificates of attendance will be distributed after formal evaluations have been submitted to RIAPP.


If accommodations are needed, please let us know. Our goal is that RIAPP is a safe and accessible place for all.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

RIAPP is compliant with attempts to discover any conflicts of interest or commercial
support for all events. In the instance there is a relationship between the continuing education sponsors, presenting organization, presenter, program content, research, grants, or other funding that could reasonably be construed as conflicts of interest, this is disclosed clearly to participants.

Level of Difficulty of Program Content

This information is advertised with specific advertisements/announcements relevant to each event.  Most RIAPP events are Intermediate or Advanced.

Event Registration

Membership and event registration should take place online at our website, www.riapp.org.

We encourage early registration so the Board can be effective with planning for room size, related venue fees, and refreshment offerings.


RIAPP is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in all of its events and programming.

Ethical Principles

RIAPP programs are offered to clinicians for educational purposes, and may therefore contain clinical material that is confidential in nature.  Therefore, it is our policy not to allow any attendee recording of our events.

RIAPP is committed to conducting all activities in conformity with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles for Psychologists.

Limitations and Risks of Program Content/Validity/Utility

Participants are asked to be aware of the need for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. Take space and time as needed. Scientific and/or professional basis of program content, validity and utility is communicated via the presenter’s references and learning objectives, or verbally during the program.

Fee Refund Policy

RIAPP is entirely volunteer run, and membership dues and event fees are the primary way we earn revenue and are able to continue to exist in the psychoanalytic community. Given the organization’s expenses when it comes to venue rentals, hybrid consulting fees, programming costs, some fees may be nonrefundable.

Membership dues and fees for Wednesday lectures are not refundable.

When a conference registration fee is paid in advance and the conference is cancelled, the registration fee is refunded. When a conference registration fee is paid in advance, and the registrant does not attend, the registration fee is forfeited. When a conference registration fee is paid in advance and the registrant cancels up to two weeks before the program start date, then the registration fee can be refunded.